Controllers - is a widely use library to handle realtime communication with the server. It used websockets, when available, if not fallbacks to long polling and other strategies. This is totally transparent to you and it will also automatically reconnect to the server if, for some reason, loses the connection. is well integrated in Axolot, infact we offer an easy way to handle it.

How can I use it?

The is available in the controller as this.sockets.

If we want to emit a message to everyone we would simply do.

this.socket.emit('alert', { message: 'Scheduled maintenance in 5 minutes' });

In the client side we could display a message when a message of type alert arrives.

How can I set listeners?

In is normal to have server side listeners. so we have integrated them inside the controller. You can define your endpoints and then access them from the client side and the name will be controllerName:action.

We will create a own user endpoint and return the user. The controller has another property which is called sockets wherre we can define our endpoints there.

'use strict'

module.exports = {
    path: '/users,
    model: 'users',
    actions: {
    sockets: {
        own: function(cb) { //cb is sent by the client
            this.model.findOne({ id: }).then(function(user) {
                return cb(user);
            }).catch(function(err) {
                return cb(err);
}; is the user id which is connect to the socket. Check the chapter about Auth for more infos.

So with the above code we have define a socket route own inside the controller users. From the client this is callable with something like this

socket.on('users:own', function (data) {